Year 4 Homework
Please scroll to the bottom of this page to find our current home learning tasks.
In Year 4, children will receive a set of spellings for each week. These are to be practised in their home learning books.
Children will be expected to:
Read for at least 10 minutes every day
Practise their times tables on TT Rockstars
Learn their spellings
Complete optional termly project based activites
Homework is due in on Wednesdays (unless otherwise stated)
We endeavour to create home learning activities that are enjoyable but that also support the children's learning. However, we are not expecting the children (or you) to dedicate the whole weekend to homework! If there are any problems, please come and see us.
Reading - We believe that reading is vitally important. As well as reading within school, we expect children to read for at least 10 minutes per day at home. It would be nice, as they are developing as readers, if they could read with or to an adult. As their reading develops, they may wish to read independently. Please support us by ensuring that any reading is recorded in their reading record journals and that these come into school everyday.
Times Tables - You child will be told which times tables they are learning each week. They will be tested on these weekly with a combination of 40 multiplication and division questions. This ensures that children can apply their knowledge of tables to answering inverse questions e.g. If children know that 4 x 10 = 40, they should also know that 40 ÷ 10 = 4. Children can also practise these tables at home using Times Tables Rockstars.
Spellings - Each week your child will be given high frequency words and words from the Year 3 and 4 spelling list. The children will be tested on the spelling of these words as sentences each week, including the use of capital letters and full-stops. Guidance for practising spelling homework is in the childrens' Home Learning book.
Homework Tips
Spelling Tips
This Week's Spellings
Termly Project Homework