Year 1 Homework

Many of our children read daily at home to an adult, either their school reading books or sharing stories of their own which is fantastic. Research has shown that children who read daily at home, not only have a higher reading age but also have better outcomes with spelling and writing. It is also a lovely opportunity to spend some time with your child.

Every Friday your child will bring home their homework book with a short activity stuck in. These will be based on our Maths and Phonics learning as well as a short activity around our other learning for the following week.

Home work books should come back in for the following Wednesday so the next homework can be stuck in.

Some children may have some additional practise sounds or words to work on. If this is the case your child's teacher will speak to you and explain what they might need to help them with their learning.

Current homework for Year 1 can be downloaded below:

Homework Year One.pdf