Year 1

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Year 1 Homework

Welcome to Year 1's area of the website. Here you will find all the information you require for your children. You will find the topics that we will be covering this year and a long term overview.

In Year 1 we build on our Early Years experiences and transition from learning through play towards slightly more structure and routine. We still make sure we have lots of fun and plan exciting, engaging and practical activities for the children to explore! Any trips and exciting activities will be posted on the website and letters will be sent home so watch this space!

We have PE twice a week, Mondays and Wednesday for Bodiam, Tuesdays and Thursdays for Camber Class. Our PE bags come home at the end of the week for a wash and need to come back on Mondays.

We visit the library once a week and scan our own books out to borrow and return. Our reading journals and reading books should be in school every day. We will check these weekly and encourage the children to change their own books as needed.

Topics we cover throughout this year include:

Term 1 - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Term 2 - Winter Wonderland

Term 3 -Terrific Toys

Term 4 - Beautiful Britain

Terms 5 and 6 - Around the World in 80 Days

If you would like to find out more about what Year 1 are currently focusing on this year, you can download the yearly overview below:

Long term plan.pdf