
Schools are required to hold many different policies. We have added some of the more relevant policies which can be viewed below.

Click here for more information about Our School Offer.

Other policies are available on request from the school office.


Accessibilty Plan 2018-2021.pdf


Attendance Policy.pdf

Behaviour and Anti-Bullying

Behaviour and Anti Bullying April 2020.pdf


Charging Policy.pdf

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.pdf

Collective Worship

Collective Worship Policy.pdf

Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure.pdf

Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Policy September 2017.pdf

Data Protection - GDPR

Data protection Policy 2018 GDPR.pdf


Equalities Policy.pdf


Homework Policy.pdf

Jigsaw Life Skills RSHE

Jigsaw Life Skills RSHE - for consultation.pdf

Learning and Teaching

Learning and Teaching Policy Sept 2020.pdf

Religious Education

RE Policy.pdf