At Cross in Hand, we are lucky to be able to enjoy a diverse and varied curriculum, which gives your child the opportunity to learn about a range of topics in new and exciting ways.
This page gives a brief insight into how each subject is taught at our school:
Early Years
Our school has a dedicated Early Years department with super resources and committed staff. We use the Early Years Profile, and children are carefully monitored and guided as they grow and develop socially and academically in a safe and inspiring environment.
Acquisition of language and its uses are fundamental to have full access to a broad curriculum. We develop our literacy skills through phonics and early reading right up to examining audience and purpose through rich texts in Year 6. Spelling is taught both discreetly and through topic based learning. As with all subjects, support is offered where it is needed and it is quite usual for intervention groups to run for handwriting, spelling and higher level writing skills.
Our phonics scheme is based on 'Letters & Sounds' while our cursive handwriting scheme is called 'Letter-join'.
At Cross in Hand, children have a real enjoyment for learning maths across the school. We understand the importance of mathematics in everyday life and on children gaining a secure understanding of mathematical concepts. Throughout all stages of their development, this is established through the delivery of a mastery curriculum. With a clear calculations policy, which is rooted in a Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) approach, this ensures continuity and progression throughout the school. Using visual aids, fluency in written methods and mental calculation techniques also helps children to develop secure problem solving strategies.
A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world. The aims of teaching science are to encourage children to develop inquiring minds and curiosity about science and the natural world. Children learn from doing and this is especially true in science. Our curriculum teaches scientific knowledge through practical activities, conceptual understanding and investigative skills to solve problems while providing key knowledge and understanding.
Religious Education
Being a Church of England school, we value the importance of children not only learning about religion but also how this can impact on their own lives and the world around them. The children learn about a range of faiths, thinking about how these are similar and different to each other.
We use a range of software to ensure our children receive a broad range of opportunities in line with today’s fast moving technology. This includes working on laptops and iPads; coding; making games; animations; and programming robots.
The Arts
We are very proud to fully participate in the arts. Art and DT are taught discreetly as well as being part of the wider enrichment of a number of subjects. Inspiration for our work is taken from the natural world, music and a range of artists and designers.
We have an annual arts week where the whole school explore a range of medium that reflect a shared theme. We focus on the process of the children’s work rather than the end result. DT and art work is often displayed around the school for everyone to share and enjoy.
As a school, it is our duty to ensure that all pupils’ needs are met and the National Curriculum is followed so that children receive a balance of musical activities. Music is a unique way of communicating that can inspire and motivate children. It is a vehicle for personal expression and it can play an important part in the personal development of children. Music promotes children’s spiritual, social and cultural development. The teaching of music develops children’s ability to listen and appreciate a wide variety of music and to make judgements about musical quality. It encourages active involvement in different forms of music making, both individual and communal, developing a sense of group identity and togetherness. It also increases self-discipline and creativity, aesthetic sensitivity and fulfilment.
Physical Education
We have two halls, a playing field, swimming pool and a large playground which help us to provide a broad range of PE and sports skills and activities. In EYFS and KS1 the children will take part in PE learning through games, swimming, athletics, gymnastics and dance activities. KS2 cover these areas and, in addition, outdoor and adventurous activities. Children will engage in 2 hours of PE learning each week as well as daily physical activities following the 'Activate' scheme.
We have achieved much sporting success as a school and encourage competitive sport as well as supporting those who find sport more difficult.
The Humanities
History and Geography form a large part of our topic coverage, which we use in creative and exciting ways to support children's learning. This is delivered where possible in a cross curricular manner.
In Geography children’s learning starts at a local level with children enjoying participating in local field trips. As the children progress throughout the school, they begin to learn about the wider world.
Our aim in History is to bring the past to life, being true 'time detectives' at Cross in Hand. This involves exciting historical days where the children dress up and carry out fascinating historical tasks.
Personal, Social and Health Education
PSHE is taught across the school using a scheme called Jigsaw: The Mindful Approach to PSHE. Jigsaw teaches children to become aware of their thoughts and feelings, as they happen, helping them to concentrate, focus and regulate their emotional states.
It covers the following 'puzzles' or units of work: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams & Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. This last ‘puzzle’ is where we teach our Sex and Relationships Education (SRE).
The Jigsaw PSHE scheme:
creates learning experiences the children look forward to
establishes a safe learning environment
offers accurate information
builds skills essential for life and relationships
equips them for a diverse world
gives resilience and inner strength
develops mindfulness
Modern Foreign Languages
In Key Stage One, we offer a lunchtime French club. This is run by an external provider and access to this is booked and paid for via the School Gateway.
In Key Stage Two, all of the children learn Spanish as part of the curriculum and this is taught once a week by the class teacher or a Learning Support Assistant. The children are taught a range of vocabulary and key phrases. Resources are used from Purple Mash, an online learning platform, which all children can also access at home if they would like to.